Sunday, December 27, 2009

And the Challenge has been made!

And the Story goes a little like this... There we were one night sitting around the Fire roasting marshmallows with all the members of the Davis Bike Club Masters Race Team when the subject of Bike Racing came up? Go figure... We were laughing and having a great time when we the Masters 45+ Team were blind sided by a comment made by the Masters 35+ Team!  For some reason words were spoken, whether in jest, or a weak attempt at trying to be serious as to how good they thought they might be when it comes to Racing against the likes of we the superior Masters 45+. Well one thing lead to another, and the challenge had been made!...  The Masters Showndown had been formed.

Two years ago was our first Masters Showdown, and in the last two years the results have been one win to each Team. We the 45+ winning the first year, and the 35+ Team winning last year. So again this year we will meet on Jan 10th at a location, and course to be disclosed at a later date (South Davis), and again we will do battle to try and decide who will hold the coveted Title of Best Masters Team for 2010.
So once again we will ask you if you are available to make time to come out, and have a great time with all of your fellow Teammates. You can see from our Masters Team picture that the turn out last year was awesome!

Ps...You can also see from the picture below we were able to catch a picture of the 35+ Team out on one of their Training Rides!

Ps Again... Everyone have a Wonderful a Safe, and a Happy New Year!


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