Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Team Ride

Great turnout for the gorgeous 75 mile ride today! Thanks again to Rod, Robin and Fred for putting it all together. No porta-potties installed on the course yet but fortunately no one needed one.

The group left downtown Davis at 9:00, rode to the course and did one lap as a group, another at race pace then rode back. Thank you all for coming!

Today was nice and calm but it was howling during last year's race! A porta-potty that was delivered to the north side of the road (about where the railing ends) got blown over... the other side!

Here is a crummy video taken with the same camera, my phone; sorry but it sure looked more fluid and a lot better when viewed on the phone screen. Oh well, here it is anyway. Turn down the sound because the wind noise is extreme due to my phenomenal speed.


Jason G said...

kudos again to Rod for coordinating all this and thanks for rolling a little late for those of us who are perpetually either too early or too late :0

Ride was perfect and was a SOLID DBC showing. I can see it now, the lady who complained in the SUV probably will tell her friends about the professional bike team that monopolized the use of HER roadway. Good times and great ride!

John_Steggall said...


I think I'm gonna toss my cookies after watching that video. That is truly an art film, kinda like that Blair Witch Trials flick. The bonus is that really gets your stomach churning. And was that Big Foot running up in the hills?
