Monday, June 23, 2008

E.O'B's Back

I tell my students every quarter that irony occurs when an utterance's intended message differs from its literal meaning. Sarcasm is an extreme version of this phenomenon; when you say to someone, "Nice hat," you might mean that you admire their headgear or that the thing on their head makes them look like an idiot.

When I say "E.O'B's Back," I could mean that I've returned from my exile or that I intend to expound on my recent spinal and disc problems.

Actually, I mean both. So it's a pun.

To fill in any new readers, my lower back's an f-upped mess: two herniated discs, yada yada yada. After recommendations from Judd, Chad, and Steve Wick, I crawled into Dr. Ray Spore's chiropractic office last month and have been making steady progress ever since. Last week I managed to contend all three sprints on a race ride, complete the Cantelow loop, and do 90 minutes on my TT bike--all without serious pain. So I'm going to try to race again in the Davis / Vacaville Crits. I'll run both the Elite 3 and Master's 1/2/3 categories as a shock to my system. My hope is to be the first guy in the lead-out train; I'll do my best to stay in the top twenty and then move to the front with 2-3 to go and help pull our sprinter along and keep him out of trouble.

In order to integrate myself back into the team, I'm going to publicize my workouts for the next two weeks, so join me if you can:
Tuesday: race ride, with attacks on the first and third sprint. It'd be cool if someone would go with me and help rotate off the front before the catch;
Wednesday: 90 minutes with 2*15 minute ME/FE intervals. Meet at 5:30 at Russell and Sycamore
Thursday: 90 minutes with 2*5 minutes of 30/30 intervals and 4*15 second high-cadence sprints. 5:30 at Russell and Sycamore.
Saturday: Wheelworks ride
Sunday: longish recovery / easy ride--I share Alan's insistence on an easy pace.

I'm looking forward to seeing old friends and putting faces with some of the new names.

1 comment:

the glide said...

I got your back EOB. heh heh.
No seriously dude, I'm with you for the attackity-tacks.
And I'm always down for some Sunday tempo in the hills.