Thursday, February 28, 2008

DBC Masters Take in the TOC...

It's a bit late, but I've finally got around to posting something related to the Tour of California....After watching the pro's motor through Davis, a few of us DBC Masters mounted our bikes and 'raced' across the 'causeway' to witness the exciting finish in Downtown Sacramento. We figured we had to ride fast in order to make the finish, and this we did...despite the pouring rain...we were on target to get there just ahead of the pro's. Halfway across the causeway, Robin got a worries...the man is a tire changing master! I've never see someone sort out a flat in so little time...he was calm, cool, and collected. Remounted our bikes in less than 3 min, and we were back on track. As we motored through West Sac (on the course!), we were greeted with cheers and applause....gads...the fans lining the streets thought we were part of the TOUR! How embarrassing! But we must have looked like pro's or something....!!!???

After the race, we were able to mingle with the pro cyclists in the streets (see photo attached of Mario....ROCK RACING).....up close and personal....a couple of Health Net riders came by us, and one of them pointed to us and said, "Hey, Davis Bike Club!"....I think it was Roman Kilun (former aggie racer). Will Brieger (who took the posted photos) came out to greet us in his work attire....sports coat and tie....he looked pretty darn dapper and professional....I almost didn't recognize him without his helmet and shades....and a lady on the street outside of the CSC van thought he was the CSC director!!!! We rode back to Davis in the pouring rain....finishing off the day with a hot coffee at Pete's....looking forward to it again next year! Lots of fun!

1 comment:

FWS said...

Hey Jas...
Thanks for the great post...
The picture says it all, about
what DBC is all about. Ultimately,
freinds having a good time. This is a quote from another racer after a Race about the DBC TEAM...
"another p.s., if the Davis guys I chased with weren't so cool I'd hate that team!"