Monday, January 14, 2008

New Mascot

Some of you asked about the yellow lab I went down to get from Lab Rescue a few weeks ago.
Chaz is happy to be out of dog jail and doing well, all 92 lbs of him. Not quite bike related, but Master's years are alot like dog years.


FWS said...

Oh Great! Now you have three
things I like better than
you. Your Colnogo, your BMW,
and now your Dog!.... Ciao
Yeah, I hope your feeling
better too.

Jason Eiserich said...

Way to go Alan! Labs are the best! I had to put my blacky down a year and a half ago...broke my heart. Had him (Boris) from 8 weeks on to 12 pal and best buddy. I'm about ready now to bring on a new Lab into my life....this spring perhaps....

Get some blue and orange on Chaz, and he is our mascot!

Enjoy Chaz! Looking forward to meeting the fella!

cheers, jas

Lee said...

He is one noble looking pup!
Pet him often and you will get well sooner plus lower your blood pressure in the process.

FWS said...

Ok Alan...
This post has got to go!
Everytime I log on I have
to scroll down and look at
those pictures. Chaz is way
to handsome and cute. Babe
magnet indeed!