Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Quick Reflection on Things...

October 5th...
No posts since Summer! Maybe just too much Racing going on? 33 for me this year. Racing is kind of a funny past time. After a long season, January/September you really start to look for the Racing to come to an end, and then by October you are already wanting the 2010 season schedule to come up, so you can look at all the Races you want to do next year. In 2008 I said that I was going to cut back on the number of Races that I was going to do in 2009. 2008 I did 27... Go figure! As you scan the new season you keep remembering all the great things about a Race. The fun you had. The fun maybe you didn't have. None the less you again tell yourself... Oh I've got to do that one!

But it's October and it's the OFF season! For some it's a time to take a break, you know use the off season to venture into OTHER things. Spend more time with the family, and in our case some Rock Climbing. For others lips smacking and waiting for the first sign of snow. Some of us didn't even take a break! It was Road Racing Bikes, and lets jump straight into Cross (CycleCross)!
Was never sure how that worked into a Coaches plan of wanting you to ease up for awhile.
Anyway regardless, the 2009 Road season is behind us. It was a great year... A great season... Lot's of good memories... Great times with your friends, and Teammates.
So for now enjoy your off time, think of the great times you had, and the great times you'll still have (Foxy Fall) this winter.

Again Ciao and Out for now... Hopefully I'll get the energy to Blog again, and talk a little about 2009, and what's up for 2010.


1 comment:

Jason G said...

was a great season and it's nice to see you back in the blogsphere! "Off season" is already challenging . . . need to save up my motivation for when it counts next year. Gonna be a long winter.